Unity XT
Our consultants in Aura are there for you; since your first call, to provide you with solutions regarding network security and equipment services as a part of high-priority duty.
Variety of plans
after choosing the right service for the customer, according to needs of the enterprise, service contract and deployment of services will initialize.
Improvement of purchase
Aura improves the purchase experience for the customers and provides the best solutions and instructions regarding the needs of client.
Remote and on-location services
contract owners and clients can always use Aura services remotely or on location.
Constant support
any issue that occurs in a network can affect the whole enterprise. Aura is here and using the knowledge of our experts, it prevents and resolves them for good.
Regular inspection and reports
doing regular inspections and reports, Aura is able to provide reports of how the network functions and what the services do, and it moves your business forward to fulfill your goals.